Girl Details/女孩详细

Come from where 来自哪里:

Name 姓名 : 小愛(914号)

Age 年龄 : 24 Years Old

Height 身高 : 160cm

Boobs 胸围 : 36C

Room & CD Included 包房包套


Apartment 公寓

$80/60 mins/1 FJ

Please quote seen from Xingfuyuan! 请说幸福缘看见的!



2025-03-11 18:20Windbreaker Says:
Augmented breasts, felt salt water saline bags softer but not silicone hard, nice round shape remains even when lay down missionary in bed. Expected you to nice smooth shoot out like fast food McDonald drive thru, think all men are fast shooters like rifle burst mode at rifles range, quite wet and normal because never give birth before, but not tight like Virgina standard, no contraction, asked me to stop talking conversation, attention to shoot and go. Not in this job in China, she is a factory girl operator in manufacturing assembling line. Don't expect too much, less expectation, less disappointment. If you longer to shoot, kinda show sian face expression.
2024-12-20 15:57阿勇 Says:
服务非常用心让我爽,好有女朋友感觉,值得约,下次一定会常来。 太完美了!
2024-12-17 11:32刚体验 Says:
2024-12-16 11:45刚刚吃过 Says:
今天约了小希,本人年轻漂亮,不论是服务还是外貌都让我很满意,床上迷人的小妖精,活泼可爱开朗,舌头功夫高手, .做爱配合度很高, 非常享受整个过程. 还会再来.
2024-12-15 14:44Williams Says:
Very beautiful lady with excellent services and girlfriend vibes . Great figure and with nice big boobs . Friendly and talkative , will chat with you after the session has ended . Overall a wonderful and pleasant experience , will definitely return to visit this gem . Please take care of her .
2024-12-14 21:38柯南 Says:
服务很好,真人和照片一样漂亮,皮肤很白很滑 爽歪歪的体验
2024-12-12 11:24pitysia Says:
小希身材太好了。。。 flat like air plain ran way ... 服务态度太好了。。。 tis kan knot tat kan knot .... 美丽又迷人。。。 skinny, bam , boo figure ...
2024-12-12 11:14好难男 Says:

If there are fake photos or bad service, Leave your phone number or wechat ID for us to verify

如果有假照片 或者 服务不好的地方 您可以留下手机号码或微信号方便我们核实
